Top 10 useful items to take on holiday

Unless you’re being dropped in the middle of the Amazon on a survival mission, it’s unlikely that you will need a GPS device and a paracord, however there are some essential items that will certainly help you to survive from a comfort perspective.

By Joanne Johnston

Published 15 January 2025

Backpack full of travel essentials.

We asked our customers what items they couldn’t live without on holiday. Here are the top choices.

1. Travel plug/adapter

Obvious, but essential. Whether you need to charge a phone, use an electric razor or plug in your own hairdryer, you will need to adapt your device to work with the local power supply. Many countries differ in terms of their plug types, so make sure you research and buy the right one. A universal adapter is especially handy for cruise ships or when you're unsure of the plug type. While they are typically more expensive than regular adapters, the peace of mind they provide is worth it.

2. Portable charger

Again, an obvious one, but incredibly useful if you’re out on long excursions or safaris and are using your device a lot for photography, videography and communication. You can charge the portable charger overnight at the hotel and then take it with you; to give your device an extra power boost should it be running low on juice that day.

3. A scarf

A seriously underrated item. Aside being used as its intended purpose - a scarf, this versatile garment can be used as a sarong, a head dress, a mask, a towel and a means to cover up at religious sites. It can also be used as a blanket on the aircraft, if the air-conditioning is too cold.

4. Reusable carrier bags

These are incredibly practical when travelling. Most customers we talked to found these useful for stashing wet swimwear in when touring from place to place. They’re also pretty handy for concealing dirty laundry – no one needs ‘that embarrassment’ at airport security if your bag gets searched. If you want to be really environmentally friendly, go for hessian bags.

5. Spare batteries

Batteries may not always be cheap in your holiday destination and they can be a mare to find if you are on the move a lot, for example on a safari tour or small ship cruises. To avoid missing that golden photographic opportunity, take spares for your camera and all your other devices and keep them packaged, to avoid any leakages on your personal items.

6. Anti-bacterial gel/wipes

This one goes without saying really. Prevent the contraction and spread of nasty bacteria on your travels by anti-backing your hands after touching anything in public places and after you visit the bathroom. Getting ill is unpleasant at the best of times, but on holiday it can be horrendous. Using anti-bacterial wipes or hand gel also means you’ll also be helping to stop any bacterial infections from coming home with you.

7. A padlock

Unfortunately, nowhere in the world is safe from thieves. Opportunists strike when you least expect it, so take a padlock for your luggage and affix it whenever you are on the move from destination to destination. Making a potential theft more challenging may make all the difference when it comes to you escaping the hassle of losing your valuables.

8. Water bottle

A reusable water bottle helps to reduce single use plastics – a cause that Saga is heavily invested in. If you can, buy an aluminium one to take on excursions.

9. Noise-cancelling headphones or earplugs

Your go-to travel companions for tuning out the world! Whether it's the hum of a plane, the clatter of a train on one of our a rail tours, or just the quest for some blissful silence, these will help you drift off, recharge, or simply savour a moment of calm.

10. Notebook and pen

Bringing a travel journal or notepad on holiday is both practical and meaningful. It’s great for jotting down directions or making a list of places to visit on a free day. At the same time, it adds sentimental value by letting you capture daily memories, reflections, or creative ideas. Choose a small, portable option for convenience, or go digital with a note-taking app to keep everything handy.

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